Mr Andrew Campbell
Termite Action Group
P0 B0X 3483
Nerang QLD 4211
Dear Mr Campbell,
I would like to thank you for your submission and presentation of a Proposal for Change (PFCs) to the National Technical Summit 2007. I appreciate the time and effort involved in the preparation of submissions of this kind.
The information given and views expressed on all proposals by the Summit were considered by the Building Codes Committee (BCC) in its deliberations when assessing and prioritising each matter discussed. The BCC, at its subsequent meeting, developed a series of recommendations for Board consideration.
In respect of your submission on Termite Management the Summit considered and BCC agreed that the matters raised are more appropriately addressed through the proposed revision of AS
3660.1 and as such, recommend that you raise these matters with Standards Australia for consideration by the relevant Standards committee. Any consequential changes required to the Building Code of Australia following completion of the revision of the Standard will be considered by the ABCB at that time. At its meeting on 31 May, the Board endorsed the view of the Summit and recommendation of the BCC.
If you require any further information on the outcome of your proposal please feel free to contact
Ms Deborah Fleming on (02) 6213 6346 or via email
Yours sincerely
Mike Balch
Deputy General Manager
June 2007